Why do people leave their jobs?
- No one told me how to be successful at my job? – Lousy supervision
- No one trained me – I am not learning what I want.
- No one thanked me – I am not recognized for what I do.
- No one paid me – I don’t see the point of staying here.
Why will people stay?
Leading – How to become better by deciding where to go?
- Values
- Priorities
- Measurable Objectives
- Building our plans from the
- “Customer back”
- Organizational Structure
- Task Direction
- Reviewing our Progress
Educating – How to become better by growing and learning?
- Learning
- Job Challenge
- Performance Planning
- Change Management
- Communications
- Personal Development
- Productivity through Knowledge
- Knowledge through Training
Appreciating – Recognizing the contribution – How to become better by building our teams
- Recognition
- Inclusion
- Development Planning
- Empowerment
- Celebration
- Rejuvenation
- Teamwork
Dollarizing – The storehouse of values — Creating your employee’s R.O.I. – How to become better by focusing on the results
- Results and Achievement
- Promotions
- Increased Responsibility
- Pride
- Growth
- Productivity
- Satisfaction
- Money
Leadership is getting people to do, what they otherwise would not want to do, but will readily do so anyway.
If you want your people to S.O.A.R. then
Management needs to L.E.A.D.
The 12 Lessons of Leadership
- Leading – Leaders provide clear and understandable direction and support each and every time to every person with whom they deal.
#1 – Decide where you want to go
#2 – Customer Back
#3 – Know your business
- Educating – Leaders allow their people to grow and learn by developing a challenging and creative workplace. They communicate more rather than less.
#4 – Communicate your message clearly
#5 – Learn something new each day
#6 – Courage to tell the truth
- Appreciating – Leaders need to appreciate and recognize people for the job they are doing; They say thank you for a job well done
#7 – Relationships not transactions
#8 – Passion and Enthusiasm
#9 – Discipline
- Dollarizing – Leaders make sure that their people know they are accomplishing something important. Their people know it is worth the effort they are putting into the job. Dollars are the storehouse of value. Dollarizing puts a value on what we are accomplishing.
#10 – Do it now!
#11 – Persistence
#12 – The power of one person
The first lesson of Leadership
Decide where you want to go
- It’s all about values
- Build a vision that embraces everyone
- Set goals that are stretch
- Set goals that are a realistic
- Write it down
- You treasure what you measure
- Plan, Do, Review
The second lesson of Leadership
Customer Back
- Build your plans from the customer back, not from
your internal capabilities out - Think like a customer
- Intangibles drive the tangibles
- Hire the right people
- We hire for skills, but fire for behaviors.
- It is not only what you do but how you do it that drives success in the end.
- Find “athletes” and train them for success.
The third lesson of Leadership
Know your business
- Be seen as knowledgeable – Know your KPIs
- Know your customers
- Know your employees
- Know your vendors
- Know your competition
- Know the technology
- Know your community
- Know yourself
The fourth lesson of Leadership
Communicate your message clearly
- Teach people what they have to know – exactly;
Tell them what, how, when… and why - Master the art of listening
- Talk to people in terms they understand
- Communications is 100/100
- Whatever you speak out of your mouth, will happen
The fifth lesson of Leadership
Learn something new each day
- Be a coach, not a dictator
- If you are not growing faster than the company, then you are holding the company back
- Innovate not just create
- The tyranny of the “OR” – the genius of the “AND”
- Have the courage to seek out advice
The sixth lesson of Leadership
Courage to tell the truth
- Share all the information, not what you think they
“need to know” - Match your words with action
- Do what you say you will do
- Create an atmosphere of trust
- Be an example of how to do it right
The seventh lesson of Leadership
Relationships not transactions
- Build personal relationships
- Create a team
- Win-Win… or no deal
- Create a dynamic personal network
- Recognize and appreciate
- Say thank you
The eighth lesson of Leadership
- Give everything you’ve got to everything you do
- Passion + Purpose = Power
- The principle of investment: Give AND Take
- The will to win
- Have fun
The ninth lesson of Leadership
- Do what needs to be done, when it has to be done, whether you like it or not
- Get rid of what you don’t want to make room for what you do want
- Work on the important, not the urgent
- It’s all about managing time
The tenth lesson of Leadership
- I will … until
- Infinite patience… Enduring persistence
- Never give up
- Persistence will do, what talent will not
The eleventh lesson of Leadership
Do it now!
- Prepare a plan for action
- Build a culture of execution
- Focus on getting results
- Be known as the person others count on to get it done no matter what
- Speed is the ultimate competitive advantage
The twelfth lesson of Leadership
The power of one person
- Empowerment is not abdication
- Delegate for results
- Define the responsibility
- Establish the right authority level
- Hold people accountable
- Never accept the “baton” back
- Be the leader. Manage only what’s necessary.
- Show love, not arrogance.
- Show your people how to S.O.A.R.©
Leadership Summary
Leadership is getting people to do what they may not want to do but will readily do so anyway.
If you believe you can or you think you can’t, in either case you’re right.
Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to be.
If you want your people to S.O.A.R.©, management needs to L.E.A.D.